KINGrinder | Friendly Cleaning | Interior Adjustment
Interior Adjustment of K0 | K1 | K2 | K3 | K5

Clean your grinder and keep the fines residual away. I personally find inner peace when cleaning the grinder.
The interior adjustment design is the easiest model to take apart throughout cleaning.
The grinder’s component parts of the interior adjustment design.

Disassembling your grinder:
1. Remove the receiver. Hold the handle to prevent rotation.

2. Rotate the spin dial anti-clockwise to remove it as well as the numerical dial and the inner burr.

3. Remove the spring and the bearing cover.

Assembling your grinder:
1. Put on the components in order. The bearing cover and the spring.

2. Install the inner burr and the numerical dial.

3. Rotate the spin dial clockwise.