KINGrinder | Showdown of K0, K1, K2, K3 and K5
The comparison among the grinder with the interior adjustment design.
The comparison among the K0 grinder, the K1 grinder, the K2 grinder, the K3 grinder and the K5 grinder. These four grinders are from KINGrinder.
The K0 grinder, the K1 grinder and the K2 grinder are look-alive with the circle ball design, and so as the K3 grinder and the K5 grinder with the conical ball design.
These four grinders shared the same interior adjustment design which 40 clicks per round and the same hopper volume of 20~25g.

The grinders share identical looks. The K0 grinder, the K1 grinder and the K2 grinder would need to disassemble the inner burr in order to which is which.
In this case, the K3 grinder and the K5 grinder would be easier to recognize.
It is to remove the receiver and then check the burr unit. The burr set of the K3 grinder is Titanium-Coated Burr whereas the K5 grinder is Stainless Steel Burr.

The main and only different is the burr set design.
The burr set design would determine the factors that how you going to select the grinder.
The K0 grinder is a beginner-friendly grinder with a smaller burr design.
The K2 grinder is worth you every penny and the best gift to your friend and family.

The K3 grinder is an espresso grinder with a Titanium-Coated Burr design, the affordable version of the K4 grinder.
The K5 grinder is a versatile grinder with the Heptagonal Stainless Steel Burr, a mini version of the K6 grinder.

Main Method
I believe you would get to the taste balanced with the K0 grinder.
The taste of the K2 grinder would be clean as compared to the K0 grinder.
The K3 grinder (same as K4) is the espresso grinder whereas likely to taste the sweet flavor with the medium and dark-roasted coffee beans.
The K5 grinder (same as K6) is a versatile grinder capable to grind various coffee, it could taste the sour fruit flavor on the light-roasted coffee beans.
The K5 grinder for the win! (my own opinion).
The K1, K2, K4 and K6 grinders are able to serve espresso with the same exterior adjustment of 40 clicks in around and there are 18 μm per click.
The winner goes to … the K3 grinder! (my own bias)
- 33 clicks
K2 grinder

K3 grinder

K5 grinder

- 66 clicks
K0 grinder

K2 grinder

K3 grinder

K5 grinder

- 99 clicks
K0 grinder

K2 grinder

K3 grinder

K5 grinder

There are more videos of operating the grinder on Youtube.
The web version of the
grind setting and the friendly cleaning.
Download and view the manual for the K0, K1, K2, K3 & K5 grinder.
Hope that you are getting more insight into these four grinders.
Building on that, check out the K4 and the K6 comparison now.